MoU Signing Ceremony between MES Group and AEC
The MoU was signed by Sr Miranda Lui, Founder & Managing Director of MES Group, and Dennis Wu, Vice Chairman and Executive Director of Allied Environmental Consultants Limited during our MES 10th Anniversary Dinner on 26th November 2021.
This MoU came about because both parties have expressed the desire to promote their existing and new products and services, and to consolidate and expand the business bases of both parties in Greater China and Asia-Pacific regions (such as Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia);
This new collaboration will lead to the implementation of the latest technologies and components from environmental, social, and governance (“Environmental, Social and Governance”) and carbon neutrality, Develop and upgrade the building information modeling (“BIM”) system;
Both parties will jointly conduct online seminars, training, and activities to promote the life cycle of BIM projects and green business, including but not limited to green and healthy buildings, environmental consultants, environmental, social, and governance reports And consulting, sustainable development strategy, environmental, social and governance data management, green finance, climate change, and disclosure consulting, carbon-neutral consulting, indoor air quality, e-environment, social and governance training, and green Internet of Things (IoT).
About Allied Environmental Consultants Limited
Founded in 1994, Allied Environmental Consultants Limited is a Hong Kong-based pioneer sustainability and environmental consulting firm, striving to provide one-stop on-demand services for our clients covering five business areas, including (a) Green and Healthy Building; (b) Acoustics, Audiovisual, Lighting and Theatre Planning; (c) Environmental Consultancy and Sustainable Design; (d) Green Finance, Sustainability Strategies, and ESG; and (e) Smart and Green Internet of Things (IoT). Our holding company, Allied Sustainability and Environmental Consultants Group Limited (“AEC Group”; Stock Code: 8320), is the first listed sustainability and environmental consultancy service provider in Hong Kong.
“We aimed to expand more in the ASEAN market together with Allied Environment Consultants, in order to have a better digital solution that aligns with sustainability and works well with Environmental, Social, Government,” says Sr Miranda Lui, Founder & Managing Director of MES Group.
Vice-Chairman and Executive Director of Allied Environment Consultants (AEC), Dennis Wu remarks “This is a significant milestone for both of us. MES is a professional firm that specialized in technology BIM and aimed to integrate its technology in this field e.g. recycle, green finance, and carbon neutral. We hope to enter the ASEAN market together with MES to promote more about green finance, recycling, and green buildings.”
本次的諒解備忘錄是由 MES Group 的創辦人兼董事總經理呂靜儀測量師,以及沛然環境評估工程顧問有限公司的副主席及執行董事胡伯杰先生在MES十周年慶典晚宴時共同簽署。
本次的諒解備忘錄主要重點在於雙方將訂立合作協議,以於香港共同推廣雙方提供的現有或全新產品或服務,並且鞏固和拓展雙方於大中華地區及亞太地區(如新加坡、馬來西亞、泰國、菲律賓及印度尼西亞)的業務據點;雙方將考慮合組一家由MES Group管理層牽頭的合資企業,借助實行來自環境、社會及管治(「環境、社會及管治」)和碳中和的最新技術和構成部份,發展升級建築資訊模型(「BIM」)系統;
“這個諒解備忘錄的初步就是希望將MES本身原有的數碼解決方案和科技,向著沛然環保的環境、社會、治理(ESG)、可持續性和碳中和方面有所參與,也希望從這個方面可以邁進一步。同時間,MES已經在東盟市場有所發展,也希望可以和沛然環保一起進入這個市場,并在環境、社會、管治(ESG)、可持續性發展(SDG)也絕對能配合,亦是我們的大方向發展。”—— 呂靜儀測量師,MES集團創辦人兼董事總經理