WCEYA Series 2: ESG
The Blue and Green Infrastructure Series 2 – ESG Series was held on 12 August 2021 (Thu) at the United Services Recreation Club, Jordan.
Series 2 – ESG Series: The sharing session from inspiring speakers to ignite passion and navigate change. We were glad to have Ms. Linda Chan to be the speaker. Social responsibility was the theme of the night.
What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a self-regulating business model that helps a company be socially accountable—to itself, its stakeholders, and the public. By practicing corporate social responsibility, also called corporate citizenship, companies can be conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of society, including economic, social, and environmental.
Corporate social responsibility comes in many forms. Even the smallest company impacts social change by making a simple donation to a local food bank. Some of the most common examples of CSR include:
1. Reducing carbon footprints
2. Improving labor policies
3. Participating in fair trade
4. Charitable giving
5. Volunteering in the community
6. Corporate policies that benefit the environment
7. Socially and environmentally conscious investments